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We’ve compiled a list of books that have earned five star ratings from our customers, making them the ever-coveted “Must Read”!

A Book Nerd’s Look at the Best Books of the Decade (2010-2019)

Here’s our look at the best books released from 2010 to 2019, plus a few honorable mentions!

A Bestseller Flashback: 2019 in Books

It is our pleasure to present a closer look at our favorite Buyer’s Picks from 2019!

The Kids are Alright: Teen Picks for Teen Read Week

Check out what our teen booklovers nationwide had to say about the best books they read this summer!

A Bestseller Flashback- 2018 in Books

Throughout the year, our buyers curate a selection of new, bestselling books. Here’s a closer look at some of 2018’s standouts!

The Best and Worst of Agatha Christie

With more than 60 novels and 14 short story collections, is it any wonder that Agatha Christie is the bestselling novelist of all time? Her works are ranked third in the world’s most published books, behind Shakespeare and the Bible, and they have been translated into at least 103 languages. However, with 66 novels and… View Article

2001: A Reevaluation Odyssey

2001: A Space Odyssey is a masterpiece. But here’s the thing: masterpieces aren’t for everyone. As the resident sci-fi nerd around here, I was asked to write something about 2001 for its 50th anniversary on April 2. At first, I had no idea what to say. I’ve always had an appreciation for the film, but… View Article