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Meet the Bibliomaniac: Tony Warmus

In this edition of Meet the Bibilomaniac, Tony shares his favorite books, movies, outdoor adventures and more.

Top 32 Popular Fiction Books for Book Clubs

We turned to our 3,000 bibliomaniacs for their opinion on the most-asked-for contemporary Book Club recommendations, and here’s what they reported back.

100 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Novels to Geek Out Over

If your answer to every question is 42.  If you can quote the three laws of Robotics.  If you want to say “my precious” every time you see a gold band. Then this list is for you.  We asked our 3,000 bibliomaniacs what their favorite SciFi/Fantasy novels were, and here are their top 100 answers.

40 Books That Will Make You LOL

I love to laugh. Laughter relieves stress, decreases pain, relaxes your muscles, improves your mood and protects your heart. Even just hearing laughter primes your brain and makes you ready to smile and join the fun. Studies have shown that incorporating more humor and laughter into your daily routine increases energy and enables you to… View Article