All posts by Julie S

10 Interesting Facts to Celebrate Charlotte Brontë’s 200th Birthday

Jane Eyre is, hands down, my favorite of all the Brontë sisters’ works, and as we celebrate the 200th anniversary of Charlotte Brontë’s birth on April 21, I thought I would share some interesting facts about Charlotte and her first book, Jane Eyre. I may mention her other works as well. 10 Interesting Facts about… View Article

Quick Reads: 55 Books Under 200 Pages

Traveling with books can be cumbersome, but traveling without books is unimaginable. Usually I keep one book in the car or in my carry-on and one book in my suitcase. And depending on the book, it can really start to weigh you down. (Tip: Don’t take Les Mis with you on a plane, even if… View Article

100 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Novels to Geek Out Over

We asked our 3,000 bibliomaniacs what their favorite SciFi/Fantasy novels were, and here are their top 100 answers.

40 Books That Will Make You LOL

I love to laugh. Laughter relieves stress, decreases pain, relaxes your muscles, improves your mood and protects your heart. Even just hearing laughter primes your brain and makes you ready to smile and join the fun. Studies have shown that incorporating more humor and laughter into your daily routine increases energy and enables you to… View Article

40 Books You Won’t Be Able to Put Down

You know that book. The one you read in one or two sittings. The one you practically swallowed whole. What an exhilarating experience –– to be so captivated by a book that you cannot bear to do anything until you get to the last page! I polled our ~3,000 HPB Bibliomaniacs around the country about which… View Article

10 Heartthrobs of Literature We Love

Some we fall in love with as soon as they are written onto the page. Others we gradually grow to love as the story progresses. They are the men we wish would step out of the book and whisk us away. They are why we turn the page. You may ask, “Who are these men… View Article

Plum Ready for “One for the Money”

When I heard that Janet Evanovich’s first Stephanie Plum book, One for the Money, was finally hitting the big screen, I thought, “It’s about time.” Finally, the luckiest (though not the most competent) bounty hunter and her two hunky counterparts will be chasing bad guys, hauling in naked septuagenarians and blowing up cars at a… View Article

40 Classic Books You Should Have Read in School

Earlier this month Jim Swayze challenged you to read Classic Literature, but if you are anything like me, you wonder when a book stops being a regular book and starts being a “classic.” Interestingly enough, no one really knows. In fact, essays have been found debating the topic since the early 19th century. The term… View Article

If You Liked The Tournament of Mysteries, You Might Also Like…

I am a total book nerd, and I love lists. So, when I was told Half Price Books was having a Tournament of Mysteries as part of Mystery Madness, I set out to read all the books on the bracket, in order to vote for the right book with each pairing. Now that I have… View Article