5 Literary Friendships We Still Ship

We’re celebrating National Friendship Day with a blog post about grilled cheese. Just kidding, we’re focusing on five of our favorite literary friendships that hold strong as examples of healthy, supportive and wonderful friendships to this day. Is there anything better than a book that provides a solid friendship no matter the genre? Heads up: spoilers ahead!

1. The Trifecta (Lord of the Rings)

Listen, I’ll admit that I’m opening this blog post with a cheat. I’m talking about the trifecta of best friendships present in Lord of the Rings. You’ve got Sam & Frodo—the quintessential different class friendships where they learn to rely on each other in face of grave danger. You’ve got Gimli & Legolas—the enemies turned lovers friends trope in action (seriously, if you don’t love their friendship by the end of the series, something’s wrong with you). You’ve got Merry & Pippin—the unqualified but willing-to-learn friends who have each other’s backs through some of the darkest days of their lives. So yes, it’s a little bit of a cheat to start a list about literary friendships with these three pairings and their unbreakable and moving friendships. Simultaneously though, could any list about fictional friendships not include these?

2. Charlotte & Wilbur (Charlotte’s Web)

Can you talk about friendship without mentioning Charlotte and Wilbur? Charlotte does everything in her power to save Wilbur from his potential demise, using her clever mind and beautiful web-making skills to make Wilbur a famous pig. She is satisfied with having lived her purpose and saved her friend. In return, Wilbur loves her and raises her offspring as well as he can. Is there a more heart-rending story of friendship and sacrifice? Some pig… and some spider!

3. Matilda & Lavender (Matilda)

You can’t help but love these two characters and their blossoming friendship. Lavender is Matilda Wormwood’s best friend, and she is described as “gutsy and adventurous,” just like Matilda. Matilda, having been isolated and only knowing her unsupportive family, first meets Lavender in kindergarten and from their very first meeting, the two girls liked each other. Their mischievous behavior only ties them closer together, and Matilda takes the blame for the trick Lavender plays on Miss Trunchball showing that they are truly the best of friends.

4. Aech (Helen) & Parzival (Wade) (Ready Player One)

Helen and Wade are best friends for years, although the two never meet in person until much later. The two have a great connection based on mutually shared interests like their similar taste in movies, music, video games and being gunters. Despite never having met in person, the two share a deep connection and discuss pop culture, Almanac findings, the hunt and girls. Throughout the book, Parzival is under the impression that Aech is a male, but eventually the two meet and Wade is surprised to learn that Helen is actually a black gay woman. Although initially irritated that he was deceived, Wade recognizes Helen is still his best friend and the two remain close.

5. Stanley & Zero (Holes)

Stanley befriends Zero at Camp Green Lake. The two establish their relationship while Stanley teaches Zero to read as he digs part of Stanley’s holes. Zero eventually flees and the camp staff decide to erase their records of him and let him die in the desert. Upset with this decision, Stanley escapes the camp to look for Zero. Stanley eventually finds him and the two go on an adventure. Eventually, Zero reveals that he was the reason Stanley was falsely accused of stealing and despite everything, Stanley forgives him. In fact, out of fear of Zero’s demise at the hands of the warden, Stanley refuses to leave the camp after he’s been exonerated unless Zero can come with him. If that’s not true friendship, I don’t know what it is!

That wraps up our list of five literary friendships we still ship to this day. What friendship are we missing? Tell us in the comments below!